We Answer Your

Frequently Asked Questions

Do you have a question about the Ombudsman? Then we can help with our main FAQs below.

“Ombudsman” means “citizen’s representative” in swedish. An Ombudsman is an independent official who investigates complaints from the public about problems within government administration.
The Ombudsman investigates and resolves complaints against injustice done to members of the public by officers of Government Departments and the authorities.

Contact the Ombudsman if you have a problem you have been unable to resolve. You can also contact us for information about our work or our processes.

The Ombudsman can investigate complaints about officers of Government Departments and the authorities, with some exceptions. To see who can be investigated and those exceptions, please visit our What We Do section.

Anyone can complain, and there is no cost to complainants or to the organizations that are the subject of complaints.

The Ombudsman is an office of last resort. This means that you should try any available complaint mechanisms or appeals before submitting a complaint to our office. If you are not sure what mechanisms exist, contact us for help. When you submit your complaint to the Ombudsman, we will ask you to provide any relevant documentation, correspondence or other information, including what steps you took to address the issue.

Our staff will contact you, if warranted, for more information. Our first step is always to resolve the complaint informally, as quickly as possible. Our staff also flag urgent cases.

In the rare instance that your case cannot be resolved informally, the Ombudsman can issue a formal notice of investigation to the relevant organisation.

You will be informed about the outcome of your case.

Organisations that are formally investigated are given a chance to respond before the Ombudsman makes findings and recommendations.

When the Ombudsman’s recommendations are accepted, he also asks the public sector body in question to report to him on its progress in implementing them. We monitor this progress, as well as any new complaints that might indicate recurring issues. The Ombudsman can also reopen an investigation if warranted.
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